Product List
Central Material Handling System
- Desiccant Bed Dryers
Desiccant bed dryers use the industry standard dual-bed drying concept, offering - 40°dew point process air, in a c...
Tag: Mesh Belt Dryers | Continuous Belt Dryers | Desiccated Coconut Fluid Bed Dryers | Desiccant Air Dryers
- Self-contained Vacuum Hopper Loaders
Our self-contained vacuum hopper loaders offer easy to use controls. The detachable hand held control allows the op...
Tag: All-in-one Compact Dryers | Cabinet Dryers | Standard Drying Loaders | Standard Hopper Dryers
- Compressed Air Venturi Loaders
Compressed Air Venturi Loaders are designed to provide trouble-free conveying using compressed air. Highly efficien...
Tag: Sound-proof Central Granulators | Loss-in-weight Feeders | Dust Separators | Metal Detecting Separators