Lista de produse
Mașini de încălzire și răcire
- Aparat de control al temperaturii apei
ould temperature control unit helps deliver accurate, reliable and cost-effective process temperature accuracy of ±1°C....
Etichetă: Unități digitale de control al temperaturii apei | Regulatoare de temperatură pentru mucegai | Regulatoare de temperatură pentru formarea prin injecție | Unități de control al temperaturii circulației apei
- Unitatea de control al temperaturii uleiului
emperature control system helps deliver reliable and precise temperature control....
Etichetă: Unități de control al temperaturii pe bază de ulei | Aparatele de control al temperaturii pe bază de apă | Aparate de control al temperaturii sub formă de apă | Controlere de temperatură pentru tip de ulei
- Aparat de control al temperaturii pe apă / ulei
rculating). OMRON temperature controller helps deliver accurate, reliable and cost-effective process temperature accuracy of ±1°C....
Etichetă: Tuburi de circulație a apei | Ulei circulant Ulei | Plastic Injection Mold Temperature Control Units | Unități de control al temperaturii circulante
- Răcitor de răcire cu apă
uitable for cooling applications in modern industries and they will not be influenced by ambient temperature....
Etichetă: Chillere cu compresie de vapori | Răcitoarele descentralizate | Răcitoare cu apă răcită cu apă | Răcitoare cu apă răcit cu apă
- Răcitorul răcit cu aer
ble for cooling applications in modern industries and they will not be influenced by ambient temperature....
Etichetă: Răcitoare industriale cu răcire cu aer | Răcire cu răcire cu răcire la temperatură joasă | Recircularea răcitoarelor de răcire | HVAC de răcire comercială
Water/Oil Temperature Control Unit
Our water/oil temperature control units are used to heat up moulds and maintain the temperature. Besides, they can also be used in other similar applications. High temperature water from the mould is cooled by direct cooling and then sent to the pipe heaters via high-pressure pump for heating to constant temperature.
Water/Air-cooled Chiller
Water/air-cooled chillers use single-stage vapor compression refrigeration system, and all models are designed with devices for compressor and motor overload protection, phase shortage and reversal alarms, protection under high and low pressure, etc. Our industrial chillers enjoy stable performance, long service life, etc. The chillers can quickly lower the temperature and stably control the temperature. These air-cooled chillers are suitable for cooling applications in modern industries and they will not be influenced by ambient temperature.
Water-Cooled Central Chiller
The water-cooled central chillers adopt Germany CITZER twin-screw compressor. These central water chillers are suitable for a variety of refrigerants such as R22, R407, R134a, etc. The high efficiency condenser and evaporator, featuring stable heat exchange and ease of maintenance, have obtained national pressure vessel manufacturing license. Sophisticated microprocessor controller delivers better performance compared with single chip microprocessor.